
Friday, December 7, 2012

It's the Nice List Giveaway

Hello again.  I was so excited to receive all of your feedback during the last giveaway that I couldn't wait to have another so here we go....

This time I am rewarding you for being on the nice list, well my nice list anyway =)

I will once again award three winners!  And the prizes are:

1st Prize:  A 10" Stacker of Mystique by Lila Tueller for Riley Blake Designs w/ 3 yards of your choice Mystique for the backing.
2nd Prize:  A Little Apples by Aneela Hoey Jelly Roll w/ 3 yards of Your Choice of Little Apples for backing. 

And last by not least:  $25 gift card to spend anyway you wish in our store!

This time you can enter up to 9 different ways!  WOW that's a lot of chances!!

1. Please leave your first comment by sharing with us....What's your current holiday project(s) that you can't wait to finish!! I am finishing a quilt for our new baby niece and a Christmas skirt for Miss Sofia.  I can't wait to read your comments!

2. If you decide to follow our blog (left column under what's new) or you already do follow us, leave us another comment letting us know you have.

3. If you decide to Follow us on Twitter or you already do, leave us another comment letting us know you have. We would love it if you would retweet our giveaway too :) That would be AWESOME!! Let us know you have for an extra entry.

4. If you follow us on Facebook or you decide to head over to our Facebook page and click on the Like Button (OR use the toolbar below). Then leave us another comment letting us know you have!

5.  If you follow us on Pinterest or you decide to head over to our Pinterest page and follow us (OR use the toolbar below).  Leave us another comment letting us know you have.

6. If you decide to Blog about our giveaway and tell all of your friends, please leave us a comment letting us know you did with the URL of your blog post. We REALLY appreciate our bloggers AND we will email you 5% off coupon!!

7.  If you blog you can add our button to your blog. You can grab our button here! Then leave us another comment letting us know you have! Interested in the button earning you free fabric, check out our affiliate program.

8.  You can also join our Newsletter to receive all the current releases, special discounts and more!  Then leave us another comment letting us know you did!

This giveaway will end Tuesday 12/11/12  at NOON.  I will announce the Winners by 4 pm EST on December 11th.  Good Luck to everyone!


  1. I'm working on a cross stitch stocking for my grandson. Thanks for the chance!

  2. I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks again for the chance!

  3. What a lovely treat! I am working on gift potholders, but hope to move on to tree ornaments -- and of course, baking Christmas cookies!

  4. I follow your blog with Google Friend Connect!

  5. I am binding a toddler quilt tonight!
    I'll be so glad to have that done!

  6. A table runner. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. I am just finishing a car organizer for my granddaughter. It can be hung on the back of the front seat so she can reach her books and crayons from her car seat.

  8. Hello again and thank you for this chance. I am about to finish up some placemats.

  9. I follow on Pinterest.....great giveaway!!

  10. I am working on some ornaments for my tree. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  11. I am making a lap quilt for my best friend for Christmas, then I have 4 young ones that I like to make at least one homemade gift for. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  12. I am finishing up the 4th and 5th T-shirt quilts for myself and children, using my late husband's collection of t-shirts. My son's is the last to make, didn't know if he would want one, and when he was here last we talked about it and he even picked out the t-shirts he wanted used. This is becoming my favorite quilt to make, it has all of my husband's favorite t's in it. Each quilt has a theme, from travel, spring training in Arizona, to hard rock cafe. Each quilt is backed in flannel and hand tied.

  13. I just finished embroidering some dish towels. Now I am off to make jumpers for the granddaughters and vests for the grandsons. I hope to have them all done by next Friday! Great giveaway!

  14. I am not a blogger, nor do I twitter or use pinterest (dull I know) but I am a follower so I am taking advantage to get a second chance to win one of your wonderful giveaways.

  15. I just signed up for your newsletter.

  16. I am following you on Pinterest.

  17. I'm working on a quilt for my grandson.

  18. I follow your blog ;-)
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  19. I tweeted.

  20. I haven’t even made it to Christmas yet. I’m still working on a two year old Valentine’s quilt, and a Halloween quilt I started this summer.

    I want to make a tree skirt, but am not allowed to start new projects until I finish some WIPs!

  21. I follow you (and somehow made myself look silly by finding the last giveaway and commenting on it today thinking it was this one… doh!)

  22. I follow you on Twitter too! (@raevenfea)

  23. I receive your newsletter. Have you considered using Rafflecopter?

  24. I just won , so do not count me in for the drawing , please !! I'm working on a quilt for my grandson and will next move on to stockings for my husband and I that I cut out years ago ( don't even remember how many years !!!! ) . Your prizes again are FABULOUS !!!!! I got my order yesterday -- which was FAST !!!! thanks for carrying on the GREAT customer service from 1 choice 4 quilting !! happy customer doing the happy dance ; and THANKS SO MUCH for the jelly roll !!! WOOHOO!!!

  25. If I get these two quilts done tha i want to give away for Christmas presents then i want to make the whole family new stockings. My DIL (married last year) and my granddaughter need ones that match so everyone gets new ones. That's the plan anyway. Also, I need a new tree skirt. So I have BIG plans before Christmas but only 2 quilts that MUST get finished.

  26. I am a follower of your blog via email.

  27. I follow all you Pinboards on Pinterest

  28. I'm making iPad covers for my sisters and mom.

  29. I have fabric all set for a Christmas pillow for my mom and a neck pillow for my brother. I'm anxious to get those started!

  30. I follow your blog via RSS feed! Thank you for the opportunity to win such wonderful goodies :o)

  31. I also already receive your newsletter. Thank you!

  32. I'm making aprons and totes - just one more apron to go!

  33. I'm working on a clutch to go with a purse I just finished and then may make another purse for my sister for Christmas. Oh, and holiday bags to hold cookie mixes for our neighbors.

  34. I'm working on putting up all the lights! eclairre(AT)ymail(DOT)com

  35. i'm working on a table mat now. really great giveaway!

  36. I've finished all my Christmas projects so now I am doing a quilt for my Great Niece and looking for ideas for a quilt for my first Great Great Nephew who will be making an appearance next April.... OMG that makes me feel soooooo old.

  37. i'm a fb fan; left your a comment on your giveaway post.

  38. I'm finishing a Christmas quilt for my parents. Learning how to machine quilt

  39. I have been working on Christmas stuff, just finished up two pillows for our house. I also made all three of my daughters Christmas quilts, so I just need to bind 2 of them and they are done! I'll get them finished this weekend.

  40. I am sewing some clutches for christmas gifts! Can't wait to finish!

  41. I'm getting the newsletter as well!

  42. I need to finish a quilt for my son, and then the pajamas for everyone else.

  43. I posted about the giveaway.

  44. I am making a quilt for my grandson.

  45. I am an email subscriber/follower.

  46. I'm knitting some afghans & I have a few quilt tops that need to be quilted. Thanks.

  47. I'm already a follower. Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. I'm already subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win.

  49. I am making table runners and potholders, also hoping to finish a quilt for my best friend's new grandson.

  50. I'm working on a quilt for my husband!

  51. Signed up for the newsletter, be happy to get it!

  52. I am working on a throw-sized, Texas-theme quilt for my son-in-law. I will also be creating some in-the-hoop items, such as "finger" dolls and small zippered bags.

  53. I am finishing up doll clothes for my grandaughters doll I am giving her for Christmas.

  54. Working on two quilts for my boys, not sure it's going to happen before Christmas though!

  55. I am making table toppers for Christmas presents. I finished one and made a larger version for a tree skirt. I want to get these finished.

  56. I am now following you on twitter.

  57. I am following you on Pinterest too

  58. I subscribe by email!


  59. I am working on holiday placemats


  60. I'm currently making 9 mini quilts for Christmas gifts. I've finished the quilting (6 hand quilted, and cheated and did 3 by machine) and made the binding just now. I'm taking a break before I go sew the binding onto the front of the mini quilts. I do have at least 3 other projects that HAVE to be done before Christmas. I've only started on 2 of them. Gee, I'm way behind.....

  61. I follow the blog (I don't twitter, facebook or pin)



  64. The holiday project that I can't wait to finish is a new tree skirt! Our old one has gotten so ratty looking after 25 years worth of kids and pets. It will be nice to have one that's a little more grown-up looking, too. :)

  65. I receive your newsletter. Thank you!

  66. I'm working on an xmas table runner, and REALLY hope to get it done this weekend! :o) (Nothing like waiting til the last stinkin second, huh?) Thanks for the chance!

  67. AND I just signed up for your newsletter! Yay!

  68. AND I'm following you on Pinterest, too!

  69. Xmas quilts for my dad, stepmom and. A valentines quilt for my recently engaged nephew.

  70. Xmas quilts for my dad, stepmom and. A valentines quilt for my recently engaged nephew.

  71. I don't have any project going at the moment, but I do have a couple of things yet to start that must be finished by Christmas. I have potholders to make for my boss and a Kindle cover to make for my other friend at work.

  72. I do follow your blog. I hope that helps get me on the "nice" list.

  73. After rushing around and stressing myself out last year, I am not doing a single quilty Christmas gift. However, I may make a card holder for my son's teacher.

  74. I have actually just finished my last holiday project for this year. It is a quilted purse for my niece. Now I have to switch my focus to shopping, cooking, and helping my son with a remodeling project he is doing during the last few weeks of December. Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!

  75. i am making two quilts for my adult children for Christmas

  76. I am working on a scarf for a co worker.

  77. Hi again!! My 2nd time around for a giveaway. Whoo hoo!!! My Christmas project is sitting idle because my machine is down and the mountain pass has a blizzard going on (NE Oregon). My backup machine, well, I lost my acrylic table for it (don't ask me how I could lose such a big thing as that, but I did) and my husband and I looked everywhere, including the storage shed for it and I ended up ordering a new one for $129 including 2 day shipping over a week ago and no sight of it, so my Christmas project might not get done in time for Christmas. I could use a present from you as a "cheer me up"!! Next, I am one of your biggest followers now that I found your blog! I love it! I follow you on Twitter (once, sorry, don't know how to do Twitter, but signed up for you on it), follow you on Facebook for sure and Pininterest and my blog: is going to have your button in an hour. My son lives 8 hours away and he is going to hop on the internet (just picked up his girlfriend from airport at Seattle) and going to take control of my computer and put the button on my blog. I tried. What I did was copy all the letters and things below one of the buttons and then copied it to my blog and I hoped it would show up as a button like it appears on your site, but, alas, it showed up as letters and things. I tried this last time and it didn't work and I'm afraid my son won't be able to get it to work, but he does computers and MRI's and CT's for a living, so I think he should be able to do this. Will you write me and tell me if I'm suppose to copy the mumbo jumbo and then put it on my site? Or is it something else I'm suppose to do? I know this is long and anyone can read this, but I doubt anyone has continued reading it this far. If so, hi!!! This is boring stuff, huh? Well, email me, please? I'm a big fan and want your button on my site. And I really want to win something one of these days. I try and try (about 10 times this year) to win something and no luck yet. But, I'm being positive! There's no downside to this. I get to read your awesome blog!!!! That's so positive!!!

  78. I'm now working on my husband's Christmas gift for his boss/lab.

  79. I already receive your newsletter - you inherited me.

  80. We already "liked" you on FB under family account name Margaret.

  81. I am most excited about the quilt I haven't started yet. I am hoping to get started Monday and I am fearful it will not get done for Christmas. So many other things going right now. My health, my hubby being gone, my bff with a mass in her breast and a biopsy scheduled for Monday, cattle to sell for my friend, giveaways to run and all that combined with frustration over being sick with the flu for the 4th time this season. I figure things can only get better here forward.

  82. slow going - glad started early so I just one gift to go - need to bind and complete a dolly quilt

  83. My current holiday project are two Christmas pillow covers...should be done tonight. Thanks for the 'Nice' giveaways!!!

  84. Your button is on my blog on the sidebar to the right.

  85. My blog is busy at this time and I am unable to blog your giveaway but I did post it to facebook and on twitter

    The Learning Curve~Quilts and Such

  86. I'm working on a queen size quilt for my oldest daughter and I want to make a few table runners too.

  87. I already like your Facebook page.

  88. I currently receive your newsletter. Thanks for another great giveaway. come on over to my blog and enter in mine, going on for another week or more. New giveaway everyday! will take you to The Learning Curve~Quilts and Such

  89. I'm working on a Super Mario quilt for my son for Christmas! :)

  90. I already follow you on Twitter! :)

  91. I now follow you on Pinterest! :)

  92. I hope to follow you on Facebook...

  93. I am currently working on mug rugs for Christmas gifts... my co-workers are going to love them!!

  94. I already subscribe to your newsletter! :)

  95. I need to finish a table topper for the middle of my dining room table. Almost done!

  96. I added your button to my blog! :)

  97. I am working on my Five Santas quilt with lots of stitcheries and hand quilting!

  98. I have 3 I am working on, 1 is scarves for gifts, 2 is a 2 year old advent calendar, 2 is the calendar's buddy the tree skirt.

  99. I am madly trying to finish quilting and binding 3 tree wall hangings for work colleagues. I finished one for my sister, but cant seem to get to the end of these others!

  100. I just finished stockings for my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter yesterday! I'm making a queen sized quilt for my daughter and son-in-law but I don't think I'll get it finished by Christmas. I'll be working hard, but we'll see.

  101. I made 2 Quilts that just need binding and a baby doll chair accessories

  102. As usual, I am rushing to finish in time for Christmas. I finished grand daughters quilt and great grand daughters quilt. I now have my sons quilt pinned and just started the quilting. Not a good thing, when you work full time, to leave things so late. I must be one of those people who needs a deadline.

  103. following Pin

  104. I'm trying to finish a mini quilt I started called the "Twelve Days of Christmas." What a generous giveaway you're having. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  105. I'm a long-time follower thanking you for the opportunity to win your generous giveaway.

  106. I'm hoping to finish a quilt for my DH by Christmas :)

  107. I receive the newsletter! Thanks for the chance to win!
