
Monday, February 25, 2013

Honey Honey Argyled Quilt Along and Giveaway!!

1 Choice 4 Quilting was so thrilled at the last tutorial we are back with another.  A special thank you to Jamie at Busy Bee Quilts for hosting.  Be sure to check out the photos on the Flickr Page.  If you missed last month, here's the run down:  Each month we will link up with a blogger or choose a book to create a myriad of fun projects.  From quilts to bags to home decor, it will sure to be a fun time.

Our second month we are linking up with Jessica at Quilty Habit to bring you a tutorial for the "Argyled Quilt" using the gorgeous Honey Honey fabric line by Kate Spain for Moda.  This is a great quilt and will suit beginners very well and get you in the mood for spring!!

I will give away one Arygled Quilt Kit to a lucky winner!  Entry information is below!

Quilt Kits will be available for purchase for $89.99 which is 20% off
what you would pay if purchased separately and as always it will ship free of charge! 

Here is what you will need for the kit:

1 Honey Honey by Kate Spain Layer Cake
1.5 yards Moda Bleached White
.5 yard Lace Light Blue (for strips on front)
.5 yard Apiary Orange (for strips on front)
.5 yard Floral Posey in Blue (binding)Exactly 4.5 yards of Honey Honey or matching solid Fabric backing (Quilter's Choice)

Jump over to Jessica's Blog Post for all the details on the tutorial!!

The tutorial begins on March 4th and will run for 4 weeks with the program as follows:

March 6: Cutting and piecing the diamonds
March 13: Cutting and piecing the strips, finishing the quilt top
March 20: Quilting 
March 27th: Post your photo to the The 1 Choice 4 Quilting Club Flickr Group
by this day for a special PRIZE!

This time you can enter up to 10 different ways!  
WOW that's a lot of chances!!

1. Please leave your first comment by sharing with us....Do you have a Quilty habit?  Mine is starting way too many projects at once.  When the ideas start coming I can't help myself.  I can't wait to read your comments!

2. If you follow my blog (left column under what's new) or you choose to follow my blog, leave another comment letting us know you have.

3. If you choose to Follow me on Twitter or you already do, leave us another comment letting us know you have. We would love it if you would re-tweet our giveaway too :) That would be AWESOME!! Let us know you have for an extra entry.

4. If you are a Facebook follower or you decide to head over to our Facebook page and click on the Like Button (OR use the toolbar below). Then leave us another comment letting us know you have!

5.  If you follow me on Pinterest or you decide to head over to my Pinterest page and follow me (OR use the toolbar below).  Leave another comment letting us know you have.

6. If you Blog about our giveaway and tell all of your friends, please leave us a comment letting us know you did with the URL of your blog post. We REALLY appreciate our bloggers AND I will email you 5% off coupon!!  
          **This goes for re-blogging Jessica's post as well!**

7.  If you are a follower of Jessica's blog jump over to her blog and comment there.

8.  If you decide to become a new follower of her blog leave her a comment.

9.  If you blog you can add our button to your blog. You can grab our button here! Then leave us another comment letting us know you have! Interested in the button earning you free fabric, check out our affiliate program.

10.  You can also join our Newsletter to receive all the current releases, special discounts and more!  Then leave us another comment letting us know you did!  

We will add all the blog comments up and choose a winner on total entries so if you've entered on the 1 choice 4 quilting blog you don't have to enter again on Jessica's blog and vice versa.

We are really looking forward to making this a monthly event and we have some great bloggers, quilters and tutorials lined up.  I hope you'll join in the fun!!

This giveaway will end Friday 3/1/13  at noon and we will announce the Winner by 4 pm EST on March 1,  2013 so everyone will have plenty of time to order their kit and have it in time for the sew along to begin on 3/6/13.  They are shipped priority and will arrive in 2-3 days!

Good Luck to everyone!!


  1. Same as you....I see something and I want to make it....EVERYTHING!!!

  2. I follow your blog, have been following :)

  3. I like you on Facebook (Debbie Berenato) :)

  4. One Quilty Habit I have is to always cut binding for a quilt as soon as I finish the top. Then I'm sure to have binding even if the top doesn't get quilted for a long while.

  5. This is my quilty habit: I finish the top of a quilt (the fun part) then I get the backing all ready and cut/press the binding and choose a batt. Then I store the entire bundle in a bin & label it. Voila! all set to pull out & finish when the right person or charity comes along to gift it to.

  6. I am a follower of 1 Choice 4 Quilting. Can't wait to get started on the Argyle quilt.

  7. I already get the quilty newsletter from 1 Choice 4 Quilting. Thanks for the chance at the great giveaway.

  8. I find too many projects I want to make, but not enough time to make them all!

  9. I haven't been quilting long enough to have a quilty habit, but it is probably spending longer looking at quilting blogs than actually quilting myself!

  10. I am a facebook follower (Deborah Gunthorpe)

  11. My quilty habit is probably one step before your listed one: I buy tons of fabric and never do anything with it.

  12. of course i follow you on facebook!

  13. I absolutely follow you on pinterest!

  14. I'm much better at starting projects than I am at finishing them!

  15. I buy all the stuff for projects and then I never have enough time to do any of them! But I keep buying!!

  16. I change my mind a zillion times on a pattern when I get new fabric. One idea leads to another, and it never ends!

  17. My quilty habit is sadly procrastination!

  18. I already follow on Twitter @chocochippers.

  19. I already follow Jessica's blog. Thanks!

  20. I blogged about your giveaway:

  21. Your button is on my blog:

  22. I'm signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the chances to win a great giveaway!!!

  23. Mine quilty habit (if this counts) is to not be brave enough to try new techniques.

  24. I now follow your blog

  25. What a lot of ways to enter your fantastic giveaway. My quilty habit is starting something new as soon as I see it and creating all those UFOs. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  26. I'm a long time follower of your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  27. I "like" you on facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  28. I finish tops quickly and take forever to quilt and bind. Usually start another top first!

  29. Really cute quilt/tutorial. Love it and now I definitely need to make it.

    Can you guess my quilty habit? Like you, I want to start more projects before I finish what I'm working on. So many beautiful quilt designs.....I just need more time/lifetime to do it all!


  30. I definitely have a quilty habit. Fortunately, hubs is ok with it as long as the quilts have a home/purpose. Easy peasy :-)

  31. What a great giveaway! My quilting habit......I always seem to start more projects than I can finish....but I enjoy it!

  32. MY quilty habit would have to be the same. I want to do every cute thing I see. But this year I am working on old projects. This quilt will be the first new thing I will be working on and I am excited.

  33. I just "liked" your page on Facebook. I can't wait to see your posts on my wall.

  34. I just started following you on Pinterest. As soon as I am done here I am going to go check all of your pins.

  35. I have commented on Jessica's blog. I have been a follower of her's for a while!

  36. One of my quilty habits is a fairly newly developed one: Pinterest
    I have discovered so many quilted projects that I want to make. It has really gotten out of control because there is no way in my lifetime will I ever accomplish them all!! But I am hooked and love it!!

  37. I am already a follower - thanks!!

  38. I keep a notebook handy to write down favorite patterns and fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. I follow you on twitter and tweeted your giveaway:

  40. I am now following you on Pinterest!

  41. I am receiving your newsletter - thanks!!

  42. I start more quilty projects than I finish-I am working on remedying that this year!

  43. I follow you on twitter and retweeted your tweet about the giveaway.

  44. I tweeted about the giveaway!

  45. Oh, and I already follow you on twitter! That's how I heard about this :)

  46. I followed you on pinterest, from my pinterest account:

  47. My WORST quilty habit is buying WAY too much fabric for projects I plan to make and only start before moving on to my next wonderful idea! hehe

  48. I also start way too many projects. I do get some finished, but usually only if it is one I'm gifting.

  49. I have zillions of projects going on at once! Oh boy!

  50. My quilty habit...copying designs I see in textiles for free quilting pattern ideas. The hotel I am in this week has awesome carpet with a bubble pattern. I have copied this down in my idea book!

  51. My quilty habit is that I love fabric and everything to do with it!!

  52. I have a quilt habbit, but keep losin my sewin room and it makes it tough to try to make them lol

  53. I am signed up for your newsletter

  54. I have you on Facebook also

  55. I follow your blog!

  56. I like you on Facebook!

  57. I'm doing it a little backward, but my habit is that I buy lots and lots of fabric for all the projects/quilts I want to make, then lack the confidence to make them!

  58. I already get your newsletter...8-)

  59. Blogged about the sewalongs:

  60. My quilty habit is being sucked in to every sew along and trend on the internet. oops here's another I've started. :)

  61. I follow you on Pinterest. Thanks for the opportunity to win your generous giveaway.

  62. My quilty habit is wanting to join every quilt-along that comes along! I really have enough going with all the fabric I've purchased already. It's hard not to join in!

  63. I follow your blog via rss feed.

  64. I now follow you via Pinterest.

  65. I'm already subscribed to your newsletter.

  66. I have 4 queen sized quilts going right now. And no quilting is being done, due to being way too busy getting ready for our daughter's wedding in two weeks. Thanks for the chance to win.

  67. I am now following via Pinterest, too. Thanks

  68. Love the little quilt! Will look forward to the tutorial. Thanks for the chance to win this very generous giveaway! My quilty habit is having too many projects on the go, but still deciding to make a new one!

  69. Oh, I have such a bad quilty habit! I fall in love with a project, buy all (or at least most) of the necessary ingredients, and then lose motivation partway through. I have so many unfinished projects that it almost scares me to count them up!

  70. And I get your newsletter. (Wow, am I a stalker or what? LOL)

  71. My quilty habit is buying irons. Today I received my 6th iron. They all work perfect, but I always find a new one I have to have. I have two Rowentas, a dry iron, a Reliable, an Oliso and now the king daddy of them all - a DeLonghi Pro 300 that has its own steamer! The iron is so lightweight because there is no water in it. There is a hose attached to the steamer and it flows to the iron - I can iron for so much longer without my arm getting tired. I love it!!

  72. I just signed up for Jessica's blog today!!!

  73. I already get your newsletter. That's how I new about your great giveaway! You rock!!!!

  74. My quilty habit is buying quilt books - they're taking over the house. Thanks for the chance to win.

  75. I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks again.

  76. I'm already liking you on Facebook. Thanks.

  77. I'm already subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks.

  78. I also have the bad habit of starting a new project before the others are finished. Needless to say, I have lots of UFOs.
    paweis at yahoo dot com

  79. I am one of your followers.
    paweis at yahoo dot com

  80. All of my projects take twice as long to finish because I use tons of pins to hold everything together. I am paranoid about things slipping as I feed them through the machine.

  81. I already follow you on Twitter.

  82. I already receive your newsletter.

  83. I have a horrible habit of finding projects I want to do and then buying all the supplies and not having enough time to finish them all!

  84. My quilty habit is that I have a very long list of projects that I want to do.

  85. I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway.

  86. Quilty Habit? Hmmmmm.....I am a Fabricholic! I loooove fabric! So I buy it, and no idea then...WHAT to make!! Arrrgh!! Don't think this is a Quilty Habit in a true sense..... LOL Really don't have a cool habit to share.....tho do like having whole project completely cut out & ready to go. :)

  87. I'm already a Follower of your blog, thru GFC :)

  88. I buy wonderful fabric with great design plans, and by the time I get ready to get started on the quilt, I'm sometimes a bit hazy on what those great plans were. You know--which fabric was to be the border, which to be the HST's, that kind of thing.

  89. I follow you on twitter. (My name there is @wordygirl11)

  90. I left Jessica a comment today on her Wordless Wednesday post.

  91. I started following Jessica's blog on 02/25 & left her a comment then.

  92. Liked you on Facebook. Please enroll me for your Arygle quilt giveaway.

  93. Do I have a Quilty habit? On my goodness... Which one do I pick? The one that's the worst is that I have a Accuquilt Go fabric cutter with dies. And whenever I get a new die I have to try it out with no particular guilt or design in mind. So I end up with all this cut fabric and not quite sure what to do with it. Lol

  94. Signed up for your blog under MrsMNSnowflake3. Boy I hope I win! I just love all those spring colors. It will go with this case of spring fever I got. :)

  95. I am already on your newsletter subscription list. Yup I visit frequently!!1

  96. I think I spend more time planning new projects than actually sewing the ones that I've started.

  97. I follow you blog
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  98. I follow you on Twitter (@ap_lemos)
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  99. I twitted (
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  100. I signed up for your newsletter
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  101. I liked your FB page (Paula Lemos)
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  102. My quilt-y habit is to fall in love with fabric at the store, take it home, and then it sits there waiting for me to begin it! I always promise myself I'll finish one of the unfinished projects first...I still have a project for a flannel baby coat for my now 5 year old. I don't think it will fit any longer!

  103. I like to have a handwork project and a machine project going at the same time.

  104. I'm a new follower of Jessica's blog.

  105. Some thimgs scare e and I keep putting them bacl

  106. I think I got it all and I always hsve at least 6 things going . I think a lot of quilters do this

  107. I do have a quilty habit!! It starts when I see gorgeous fabric and patterns! Thanks for the great giveawy=ay!

  108. My biggest quilty problem is cutting into/using fabric that I LOVE!! I have a TON of Kate Spain - in various collections - that I just can't bring myself to use because I know I can't ever get more!! I wonder if there is a pill for that?!?!

  109. I'm following you on Pintrest now (Christine Rival)

  110. And now I'm following your blog (but you've been in my Google Reader for awhile now!)

  111. My quilty habit is seeing so many beautiful quilts on line and wanting to make them all

  112. I follow your blog via email

  113. I follow you on twitter
