
Friday, May 17, 2013

International Quilt Show Part 2 - Sample Spree

I choose to do sample spree as a separate blog as it was an event all it's own. 

As I sat at a restaurant having my dinner, I watched a line form two hours ahead of the doors opening. The line went two ways. One line down the hall, the other down the stairs. It was remarkable to watch. At 8 pm the line started to move and then disappeared. Two folks I had met and had dinner with and I started our  journey up the stairs and into the sample spree in the ballroom. 

Here is what I saw:

Wall to wall people all shopping for the fabric and notions that they could receive in advance.  The Moda table was completely packed to the point I couldn't see what was on the table.  However I was able to purchase the new lines from Kate Spain called Sunnyside, the new Me & My Sisters Design named Giggles and BasicGrey's new line Sweet Serenade.

I headed over to the Riley Blake Designs table where I was able to purchase some lovely new fabric lines.  I can't wait until the full of these fabrics shown below from left to right called Asbury Heights byDooHikey Designs, Twig and Grace by Sue Daley and Kensington by Emily Taylor Design.

Next was the Art Gallery Table.  I told you in the last post that I fell in love with Bijoux by Bari J.  So I was thrilled to pick up a half yard bundle of the Ruby Spirit Color Wave.  Another fabric line that I just can't get enough of is Pat Bravo's collection named Rock 'n Romance.  Here they are below:

I also found several new designers and companies I had never heard of before.  One was a family owned and operated business called Adornit!  They were giving away these adorable bags so I can't wait to see what there fabric looks like! 

I will be checking them out more extensively today and will share photos of their fabrics as well as others I discover in Part 3 of the blog.  

For now it's off to the exhibits to see all the beautiful work that has been done by these talented quilters.  Until next time....

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